Saahil Mehta is an entrepreneur, mountaineer, and the author of ‘Break Free: a guide to decluttering your life.’ His passion and his message is simple: “I help leaders gain diamond level clarity so they can scale their summits of success faster. This is done by identifying the clutter that is holding them back, preventing them from greatness and breaking free from it one at a time.”
His gift for helping people systematically declutter their inner and outer life wasn’t always so clear though. It all began with a single moment of realisation that drove him to seek out answers. Those answers became his brilliant and life-changing book. “It all started in the spring of 2016 where I was on a trip with some fellow Entrepreneur’s,” recalls Saahil. “We all agreed to two words and those words were no judgement.”
“All of a sudden, I felt this weight lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not. I could just be me. The next four days were filled with joy, and it was euphoric. On the way back, there was one thing I knew: I did not want to go back to the man I used to be. A man who feared judgement, and that judgement prevented me from reaching greatness.”
Saahil embraced this recognition with his trademark meticulousness. The next five years were filled with learning, speaking with masters, trial, and error. Eventually, it all began to come together. “I started to identify the clutter that was holding me down in all four dimensions of my life, being mind, body, relationships or the physical environment and I broke free from them one at a time.”
He knew he wanted to help other leaders do the same so they too could break free. He knew he had to write a book. There was just one problem and it’s a problem so many others, such as bestselling authors Mohanad Alwadiya and Ashutosh Sinha, have also faced.
But I’m Not a Writer…
“Let’s be honest, says Saahil. “I’m not a writer. And I was scared. But when I came across Passionpreneur, they provided the entire support system for me to write my book, be it the strategy or the blueprint of the book, the coach that helped me to write and guide me, the editing team who made sure it was fit for the shelves and for all the online platforms, and all the amazing get-togethers we had with the other authors on a periodic basis where I learned so much from them.”
Saahil used The Guided Author System, where he was introduced to a structured system that took him from strategy to the blueprints he speaks so fondly of, to creating his content with the help of a dedicated coach. Here, Saahil’s existing gift for clarity met with a professional team focused on writing and publishing. The result is a book that is already opening doors and changing lives.
Recalling the moment Saahil was introduced to Passionpreneur’s CEO, he said, “Like everything in life, word of mouth is powerful to me. Referrals is how I run my business. A friend had said to me, “Saahil, if you want to write a book, Moustafa [Passionpreneur’s founder and CEO] is your guy.”
“So, I contacted Moustafa, and he guided me through the entire process with his amazing team.” (Book your call now)
How the Book Helped Him Unlock the Speaker’s Market
Like we always say at Passionpreneur, it’s not just about the book. It’s who you become as you write the book. For Saahil, the part he enjoyed the most was also the part where he had the most fear at the beginning – writing the content. But this mountaineer was on his way to conquering that summit too. “[Passionpreneur] really helped me with the blueprint that I could use to write my story and share it with the world. And the book coach made sure that it made sense. That things connected from one sentence to another and one chapter to another. And that really gave me the confidence I needed to finish this book.”
In the months following publication, Saahil has noticed the multiple ways in which becoming an international author has helped his business grow. “Not only do I share with the audience that I’m a speaker, but also that I’m an author. And that helps me stand out amongst the rest,” says Saahil.
“When you are thinking how this is going to benefit you, what your Return on investment is going to be, think about the impact you are going to be making on the world,” he advises. “Something amazing the book did for me is, it made me a thought leader. It made me an expert in my space. Now people see me differently. Before, when I went to people and said, “Hey I’m Saahil, I’m a speaker.” They’d be like “Yah, ugh, another speaker.” Now when I say, “I’m an author,” it’s almost like I get a lot more respect and it’s helped me to stand out amongst the rest.”
Like Saahil, many of Passionpreneur’s authors are reaping the benefits of becoming an international author and thought leader. But it all starts with realising that just because you aren’t a writer doesn’t mean you can’t be a bestselling author. You just need the right system and publishing partner to get you on your way.
Take your first step today and set yourself on the road to authorship.
You have a message to share.
The world is waiting for your book.