6 min read

Finding Your Gift and Giving it to the World

How a Chance Meeting with Deepak Chopra made Genevieve Pantin Write a Book

Table of Contents

Genevieve Pantin is a woman with a good many titles after her name: psychologist, anthropologist, wife, mother, equine therapist, philanthropist, entrepreneur and more. But a chance meeting with the great Deepak Chopra left these words ringing in her ears. “If you want to energise your spirit, find your gift and give it away,” he had said to her.

She knew it was time to put her life’s work into words so that her message could reach more people. Years of working with women, helping them find their voice and turn their pain into purpose, had led her to a point where she was ready to write. And the image that sprung to mind was one she had seen much earlier on a game reserve in the Serengeti. She had looked across to the horizon and seen a Lioness striding forward, with grace, confidence and power, and her tribe behind her. It was an image that resonated with Genevieve over the years as she worked with women who dove deep to find their inner strength and healing. “A Lioness Heart” was forming in Genevieve’s mind.

The Journey to Write A Lioness Heart Started Long Before Making the Call

For Genevieve, the book was lived before it was written. “The start of the journey was with my brand, Vieve Living,” says Genevieve. “The brand was about helping women feel good, look good, do good and be inspired. This was the precursor to ‘A Lioness Heart,’ which continues in its purpose to inspire women to find their courage, find their voice and turn pain into purpose.”

“You don’t reap the fruit the day you plant the seed, and the seed was planted quite some time ago when I felt I was missing something in my life. I started to build an online platform for woman, and a space for woman to be inspired. And then that chance meeting with Deepak Chopra, it was an aha moment. It was a click. I have a gift and it was my time to give it away. And that gift I have is observations that I’ve had for women children and people I’ve come across in my life, with heart, with courage, who had turned their pain into purpose.

And I felt that my gift at that point was to document how these people turned their pain into purpose, and the skills and the tools that we had discovered along their journey as well.”

But how do you take the years of ideas, shared experiences and expertise floating around in your head and transform it into a book that delivers on its promise to heal, inspire, and elevate women?

The Universe Created a Connection

For Genevieve, her talent for observing people also translated into a talent for recognising when the Universe is giving you the keys to the next stage of your life. For her, this was the step up into authorhood.

“I was very fortunate that I have always lived by the belief that the Universe gives you what you need. At the point in time I wanted to have that shift in gear in my life, I wanted to find my gift and give it away, and I came across someone who had done exactly that with Passionpreneur,” Genevieve recalls.

“A lioness heart is my gift to women at this time, to find their purpose, find their purpose and find their heart.”

Passion, Purpose and Hard Work Pays Off

This author already had the determination, purpose, focus and expertise to become a thought-leader. She was already on purpose and on mission in life. But for Genevieve, writing a book wasn’t just about writing. It was a deeply rewarding, deeply introspective journey through which she, herself grew. The result is a book she is incredibly proud of – one she knows holds the keys for women to free themselves from the ties that bind them.

“The journey of the book wasn’t a short one. It was a long one with a lot of challenges, it was very deep with a lot a lot of very deep work. A lot of them were personal challenges. Being honest, finding my authentic voice, being vulnerable in my story, and some of the other challenges were also questioning myself,” she says.

“I remember the first time I held my book, A Lioness heart, In my hands. It was really quite an incredible moment,” she reflects. A year’s worth of writing, soul searching, drawing on decades of life and work as a psychologist, anthropologist, inspirational leadership and observation had boiled down to a moment of deep pride. “This is me in a space and time and I’m ready to share it. It’s my gift. It was an amazing feeling,” she says.

Partnering with the Right People to Get the Job Done

Like Saahil Mehta, Genevieve’s journey towards turning this wisdom into a book started with a recommendation from a friend. Genevieve called Passionpreneur publishing, and the rest is history. “I immediately saw what was in my head coming to life from my first meeting with Passionpreneur and their team,” she said. “The writing coaches were very supportive, and I was on the way to my journey as an author very quickly.”

Through the process of blueprinting, accessing a cutting edge book creation system and having the support of an expert team in the independent publishing industry meant that every step of the way, Genevieve had a guide. That meant all she had to do was channel the lessons she had learned over time. Soon, A Lioness Heart, was born. It’s a compilation of true stories and keen insights from her life as a psychologist, anthropologist and leader, and it comes together to form a map for women to discover their voice, discover their tribe and dance their way through life’s storms.

The Biggest Return on Investment

While becoming an international author continues to open doors and increase the impact of Genevieve’s life’s message, she is clear on what the biggest return on investment has been for her – It’s that time and energy to ask yourself the questions that are going to make a difference in the life of others. “That was the biggest investment for me,” she says. “That year of soul searching, and being able to share my story in space and time and having held together in those pages. It’s a journey you never come back from as the same person. I am moving forward on a different journey, on a different platform as an author, and I encourage everyone in life, everyone, to be the author of your story.”

If you want to know how to step up into the next stage of your life, book your call today.
You can be the author of your own story, and you can help other’s shape theirs’s.

You have a message to share.
The world is waiting for your book

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author profile genevieve pantin passionpreneur publishing
Genevieve Pantin is an existential and trauma therapist, and an anthropologist with more than 20 years of experience. She is also the director of a Consultancy company, and the founder of the online publication, Vieve Living.

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