
author profile ashutosh sinha passionpreneur publishing

Ashutosh Sinha

Ashutosh has worked as the Human Resources Leader for some of the best global organisations in the US, India, South-east Asia and the Middle East. Over the last 25 years. he has developed deep expertise in Leadership Transformation…

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Date Published

12 August 2020



Watch Ashutosh explain how his personal career experience formed the basis for his motivation to write his book, how Breakthrough has helped change how people work and think about work, how it feels to be a #1 bestselling international author, and what he thinks of his journey with Passionpreneur Publishing.


Breakthrough: The framework for an Inspired Career presents a compelling argument for senior executives on the much-needed shift from “making a living” career mindset to power highly successful careers, fuelled by true human potential. With his unique framework, and various anecdotes and personal stories of individuals who “crossed the bridge”, Ashutosh Sinha attempts to unshackle you from limited thinking and propels you to make an inspired career move where you can be at your best.

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Meet the Author

About Ashutosh

Ashutosh has worked as the Human Resources Leader for some of the best global organisations in the US, India, South-east Asia and the Middle East.

Over the last 25 years, he has developed deep expertise in Leadership Transformation and Organisational Change. His passion for building leadership careers comes from the research and insights developed over the years, from interviews and personal interactions with over 2000 CXOs and senior executives.

Ashutosh is widely known as a career transformer due to his unique partnering approach with senior executives to convert their careers into highly successful and meaningful journeys. He has won numerous awards for creating powerful employer brands.

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Ashutosh Sinha

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